Phones and funnies!

Created by Patricia (Patti) 4 months ago

I have lived in Uganda for over 30 years and at one point I heard that Bob was collecting old mobile phones to help people abroad, so I contacted him as I thought that phones would help my staff in Kampala as well. He then, for many years, collected old nokia phones for me, which so many people benefitted from out here, who could not have afforded the initial outlay of a phone otherwise.

On another occasion, when I had e-mailed Bob, he replied: "it sounds as if you are in quite a difficult situation and could do with all the help you can get". From that time onwards for many years, every few months he would send me pages of jokes or "funnies", so that if I needed a boost I could read through them and have a laugh. He said it was one of his hobbies to collect them. I have still kept many of the pages that he sent me. There was 1 page of actual label instructions on consumer goods. Eg: On a child's superman costume - "wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly". On Nytol sleep aid - "warning - may cause drowsiness"...........                              What a thoughtful, caring person. He came across as somebody who would help anybody, anywhere if he could. He blessed me so much, although I hardly knew him in person. Thank you Bob. You were a unique and 1 of a kind person and the world was a better place with you in it.  From Patti Squire, Kampala, Uganda.